Ph.D. Scholars

2016 (as per UGC 2016 regulation)

S.NoEnrollment No.Name of ScholarName of SupervisorName Of TopicDate of Enrollment/Registration
1161595204531ChitralekhaDr. Vikrant Sharma‘‘हिन्दी कहानियों में नारी का स्वरूप एवं शोषण का विश्लेषण”29/10/2016
2161595204519Dipti SharmaDr. Vikrant Sharma“रामचरितमानस में सामाजिक.पारिवारिक आदर्श के निर्माण में श्रीराम की भूमिका”29/10/2016
3161595204535Shrasti RajoriyaDr. Vikrant Sharma“21वीं सदी के उपन्यासों में नारी चिंतन”29/10/2016
4161595204530Kalpana SinghDr. Priyanka Bhargava‘‘बुन्देली लोकोक्ति एवं मुहावरों में गौरीशंकर उपाध्याय जी का योगदान’’29/10/2016
5161596304549Manoj Kumar                         Dr Arun Kumar Mishra“दलित समाज के उत्थान में बौद्ध चिन्तकों का एक ऐतिहासिक अध्ययन”29/10/2016
6161590304538Kameshwar Kumar YadavDr. Kavita Agnihotri“Voice of Protest in the Novel of Manju Kapur ; A Feministic Exploration29/10/2016
7161590304529Pawan Pratap SinghDr. Kavita Agnihotri“Quest of identity in the novels of Manju Kapur”29/10/2016
8161590304332Santosh Kumar YadavDr. Kavita Agnihotri“Studies in Dominant Fictional Elements of Kiran Desai’s Novels”29/10/2016
9161590304569Shikha SharmaDr. NAZIR MOHAMMAD Shah“The World of Doris Lessing’s Novels; A Critical Study”29/10/2016
10161590504556Birendra Prasad YadavProf.Maha Laxmi Johri“घरेलू हिंसा से पीड़ित महिलाओं का मनोसामाजिक अध्ययन”29/10/2016
11161590504528Mithlesh KumariProf.Maha Laxmi Johri“महिलाओं में कुपोष्षण एक समाजशास्त्रीय अध्ययन (उत्तर प्रदेश के जालौन जिले के सम्बन्ध में)”29/10/2016
12161590504572Naseem AhmadProf.Maha Laxmi Johri“Status of women in Slums Areas with Refrence to Lucknow City”29/10/2016
13161596504547AkankshaDr. Chandrakant Awasthi“व्यापार पर जी० एस० टी० का प्रभाव और अर्थव्यस्था के विकास में योगदान”29/10/2016
14161596504548Anil Kumar PrasadDr. Chandrakant Awasthi“बिहार के छपरा (सारण) प्रमंण्डल के असंगठित क्षेत्र के मजदूरों की आर्थिक समस्याएं के विशिष्ट संदर्भ में”29/10/2016
15161596504546Girja ShankarDr. Chandrakant Awasthi“बुंदेलखंड क्षेत्र में कृषि पर आधारित रोजगार की सम्भावनाये”29/10/2016
16161590404570Km. PriyankaDr. Nidhi Awasthi“किशोरावस्था में आक्रामकतारू कारक एवं प्रभाव”29/10/2016
17161595304533Ravi Prakash GuptaDr. M. K. Sharma“Financial Ratio Analysis of BHEL”29/10/2016
18161595304540Abhay SaxenaProf. (Dr.) Bhaskar NallaImpact of Social Media Marketing on Business29/10/2016
19161595304577BABY DEVYANIDr. Manoj Kumar MishraInventive Consumer Behaviour And Social Media Marketing29/10/2016
20161590204537Aiman FatmaDr. Manoj Kumar Mishra“Analytical Study of Competency Mapping and Employees Effectiveness of Private Banks in Urban Jhansi29/10/2016
21161595304585Shivani SinghDr. Manoj Kumar Mishra“The Role of E-Commerce in Improving customer Satisfaction” ( A Case Study On Flipkart)29/10/2016
22161590204522SonamProf. Shiv Shankar” A Critical Study of Human Development of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe children in Patna District in Bihar during Globlization”29/10/2016
23161595104523Anurag YadavDr. Vikash Verma“Studies on Pollution of Under Ground Water”29/10/2016
24161596404559Neha RajDr. Ashish Vishwakarma“Limnological and Biological Exploitation of Punpun River at Nabinagar, Aurangabad, Bihar, India in Relation to fish and Fisheries”29/10/2016
25161595104564Satish PandeyDr. Manish Kumar“Comparative study of some medicinal plant extracts on biochemical parameters of alloxan induced diabetic rats””29/10/2016
26161595004541Vaishali GuptaDr. Praveen KumarInvestigation of Structural and magnetic properties of Ti/Ni and Fe/Ni Multilayers29/10/2016
27161595504551Nishtha VyasDr. Balveer SinghAn Analysis and Impementation of Blood Spatter trajectory for Forensic Science Application using Image Processing29/10/2016
28161595504553Mudresh Mohan TripathiDr. Rohita Yamaganti“An Introduction & Design of Smart City based on Cloud Computing”29/10/2016
29161595604565Janabeg LoniDr. V.K. Singh“Performance Enhancement Of Flexible Textile Antenna”29/10/2016
30161595604566Satyendra Kumar SwarnkarDr.Balveer SinghBandwidth Enhancement of Microstrip Antenna using U-Slot Staking And Defected Ground Techniquies For S and C band Applications29/10/2016

Admissions Now Open for Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Diploma and Doctoral (Ph.D.) Degree Programs for the session 2025-26 , For further information contact -  18008900478 | +91-7241115081 | 7241115082 | 7241115901