(As per University Ordinance No.12 of 2016)

  1. There shall be a Research Advisory Committee (RAC) for every scholar to monitor the progress of research work.
  2. The Research Advisory Committee (RAC) shall consist of the Head of the Department as Chairperson, the research supervisor as the convener, co-supervisor if applicable and two experts in the field of research of the scholars.
  3. For the selection of two experts for RAC, the research supervisor should suggest three names within the department and another three name from other departments, who have some expertise in the area of research of the scholar. The Vice-Chancellor will select one expert from the department of the scholar and the other expert from any other department.
  4. The Research Advisory Committee will meet once in six
  5. The first RAC meeting shall be convened within two months from the receipt of provisional registration The research topic and the courses to be undertaken by the scholar shall be decided in the meeting and the minutes of the first RAC meeting forwarded to the Director/Dean Academics.


The following is the constitution of the Doctoral Research Committee (hereafter referred to as DRC / RDC). The members other than Head of the Department and the coordinator of DDE shall serve only for one academic year.




The Head of the Department Convener
The respective Coordinator of DDE, if exists Member
Two Professors / Senior Faculty members nominated by the Vice-Chancellor ( in rotation) Members
One Associate Professor (in rotation) Member
One Assistant Professor (in rotation) Member

Admissions Now Open for Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Diploma and Doctoral (Ph.D.) Degree Programs for the session 2025-26 , For further information contact -  18008900478 | +91-7241115081 | 7241115082 | 7241115901