a).P.K. University is committed to develop as a leading public institution in research by proactively furthering culture of research, among faculty, research scholars, academic associates, scientists and students. This commitment to furthering research will draw on the vast experience in doctoral and post graduate education, providing opportunities to enhance its reputation, globally, among leading researchers and institutions.
b).Further, the University will encourage researchers to apply the paradigm of integrative research.
c).To support research activities, the University provides infrastructure, which includes use of academic mentoring, technological tools, stipend to all doctoral scholars and linkages to broader society. A very large library of published work, much of which appearing in reputed journals, books as well as in the form of diverse outputs, from the fulcrum of research activities at the University.
d).Research at the University is envisioned to proceed through autonomy and academic freedom to all researchers. Ensuring integrity of the research process, output is of utmost importance to the Univesity.To this end; the University has developed policies on research ethics and accountability through transparency, along with guidelines on social responsibility.
e).The University observes social justice goals as envisaged in the constitution and in policies of Government of India by providing equal access to research opportunities. The University recognizes that research scholarship outputs are wide ranging, besides bibliometric indicator. The University recognizes that through research activities the faculty, students and all others involved are scientific and cultural agents of change and excellence.
ii).Scope of Research Endeavours
a).To promote integrative research at the scale of region and link the work to local or micro-level and global perspectives.
b).To advance research across disciplines, organizations and schools of thought.
c).To encourages addressing big problems of Indian Society through collaborative or team research.
iii).Conduct of Research
P.K.University seeks to promote, support and regulate all research activities involving faculty, research scholars, academic associates, scientists and students. More specifically, the University, while expecting professional self regulation, also expects all researchers to adhere to principles of ethical conduct of research at all times, which includes:
a).Review and seek approvals of research proposals through competent authorities appointed by the University including coordinator R & D and the advisory committee, Institutional Animal Ethics Committee and Institutional Bio safety Committee and other relevant committees that may be constituted. Besides seeking these approvals, guidelines issued by the University will also need to be complied with, which includes : Guidelines for externally funded project implementation, undertaking of consultancy services / project, appointment of project staff, guidelines for fixing minimum remuneration for project staff. Will safeguard the rights, privacy and confidentiality of participants in research.
b). Will participate in training programmes for sensitizing and building capacities to decide on responsible ethical and legal choices for the conduct of research.
c).Will cooperate and participate in investigations on complaints and conflicts, relating to violation ethics, regulatory approvals, deviation from SoPs, best practices and norms, and also comply with recommended appropriate action.
d).Will periodically update with the reviewed, revised and recommended best practices in research.
e.) All researchers are to undertake research activities in accordance to University policies and rules.
iv).Sponsored Research Policies
a).The University encourages extramural funding for research given the complexity and changing environment for generating funds. The sponsorship (external funding) may be by government, private, or non governmental entities.
b).Regular faculty members of the University are allowed to conduct sponsored research project, but after seeking necessary prior permissions form the University, without impeding on the responsibilities of teaching, supervision of doctoral students, research scholars and other institutional commitments.
c).The University will encourage involvement in all sponsored research projects as part of the duties as employee of the University.
d).Cost sharing expenditures that are committed to be borne by the University, other than by the sponsor, has to be shown explicitly.
e).All publications and other outcomes of the projects are to explicitly acknowledge and abide by rules of the University.
f).All researchers are to undertake research activities in accordance to University policies and rules.
v).Consultancy Research Projects
a).Consultative research projects come about in an environment of a free and a prior informed approval from the University.
b).Consultants to research projects are to abide by and safeguards the ethics, values and vision of the University through the entire duration of the project.
c) All intellectual property rights are varied with the University.
d). Cost sharing commitments are to be implemented as per the rules of the University.
e). All publications and other outcomes of the project are to explicitly acknowledge and abide by rules of the University.
f). All researchers are to undertake research activities in accordance to University policies and rules.
vi). Research Staff Appointments
a). The University understands the significance of appointment of Research Staff in all Sponsored and Consultancy Research projects carried out by the faculty.
b) Research competence will form the main consideration for the appointment of research staff in the University.
c) All research staff appointments are required to adhere strictly to guidelines attached.
vii). Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs)/Copyrights:
a). The University will provide legal certainty to research output of the University.
b) The University will ensure compliance with relevant National IPR/Copyright laws and regulations.
c) IPR policy will be reviewed and revised periodically.
viii). Agreements/MoU
a). By entering into research initiated MoU and institutions, P. K. University will ensure bi-directional knowledge and information’ flow.
b). All M.o.U.s concluded with other Universities and Institutions will adhere to the objectives And values of P. K. University.
ix). Encouraging Engagement of Researchers from other Institutions
a). As a Private University, we believe that value of knowledge acquired through research is not only in terms of quality, but also in increasing its societal relevance. This is achieved by sharing our expertise and infrastructural resources.
b). The University has over the years installed high-end world class facilities to generate and we knowledge. However our belief that growth of knowledge strength in manifold when the infrastructure is made widely accessible to researchers and other potential users outside of the University. This way we aspire to reduce potential inequality that arises due to weakness in access and use of knowledge. Furthermore we hope to accelerate and expand on the range of problems that may be addressed through research.
c). An added advantage to researchers at the University will be, to strengthen networks of knowledge sharing. These include resources such as collections, archives and data and bio-banks at physical sciences, engineering, life sciences, social sciences, humanities or related departments and schools.
d). Apart from strengthening research activities, there are modest financial benefits to be accrued by the University.
x) Policies and Facts of the University Research Practices
The University encourages equitable access to all resources and promotes best practices by following ethical practices and complying with regulatory standards. The University provides to all a stable institutional environment, which is conductive for research. We view learning about research as a skill, which can be improved upon throughout one’s career.
For Faculty
a. A diverse set of indicators and measures are applied to encourage research endeavours.
b. Liberal policies for leave of absence are in place to encourage exchange of knowledge.
c. Fiscal incentives to promote research (cost sharing, seed grant, travel grant).
d. Awards to recognize research contributions by faculty under 45 years of age.
e. Faculty of professional development policy is closely linked to achieve research goals of individuals.
For Research Scholars
a) Healthy teacher to student ratio.
b) Assured financial funding for five years.
c) Unrestricted access and training to high-end facilities and infrastructure.
d) Travel grant to promote research interactions with experts.
e) Generous leave package to upgrade research skills.
f) Short-term training program to learn and upgrade skills of academic writing and research competencies.
g) Encourage learning through the use of tools to analyse qualitative data, calculation of similarity index, and technology aided interactions.
h) A onetime financial support will be given to present research papers and posters at seminars, conferences, workshops outside of India. The eligibility for this funding is only for registered research scholars in the advanced stages of their thesis. A Uniform implementation policy will be developed before operational zing.
i) Funding for research scholars whose research settings is outside of the country (scholars of international relations, diasporas studies, regional studies, linguistics, invasive species) can be paid financial support. Guidelines on eligibility and for disbursal of funds will be developed, before implementing this policy.
For Students
a) Healthy teacher to student ratio.
b) Internships in research projects, and in local regional organizations.
c) Travel grant to promote research.
d) Student Exchange programs with national and international universities.
e) Become a platform for facilitating interaction with NGO’s and Industries.
f) Has placed several initiatives that are appropriate to the level at which one begins to engage in research activity. For example, to sensitize themselves of subjects outside of their degree training requirement, every Masters student has to compulsorily register in courses that are labelled in the University as Foundation courses. The foundation courses are offered by every unit of the University. Students register in foundation courses, which are outside of the unit from which they are graduating / registered.
g) Encourages learning through the use of tools to analyse qualitative data and calculation of similarity index and technology aided interactions.
xi).Financial Administration of Research Projects
a).The University promoted equitable sharing of resources / benefits with researchers in order to encourage high end research in the University.
b).GFR rules apply to all research activities involving University researchers and establishment of research infrastructure.
xii).Conflict of Interest and Resolution Mechanisms
a).The University strives to maintain highest degree of research conduct and ethical integrity while safeguarding the trust reposed by the public in the institution. With deepening ties of the University with funding bodies, the university is committed to ensure that financial
considerations will not skew the research record. Our high standards of scrutiny mandates public disclosure of all financial interests by individuals engaged in sponsored, consultant, and extra mural funding.
b).Professional activities ( including teaching and research ) along with financial interests are to be disclosed by all faculty members along with identity of funding bodies and amount and duration of funding received.
c).All conflicts of interest or disputes are subject to resolution through the university mechanisms. However, the university reserves the right, if need be, to evolve a mechanism and resolve the situation in a time bound manner. All disputes are subject to the jurisdiction of Courts in Madhya Pradesh.
xiii).From Knowledge for its own sake to use of Knowledge
a).P.K.University has placed several initiatives to summon barriers that were limiting easy access to research output, outside of the scientific domain. It is to say, the nature of valorisation is shaping academic research at the university.
b).Thus far, practical relevance of research work undertaken at the university has been predominantly noted in terms of patenting, licensing, spin-off formation, and technology transfer. All these economic outcomes of university research have been widely acknowledged. In the arena of life sciences, health sciences and such the idea of translational research has been promoted to enhance the value of research conducted in laboratories by identifying practical use or applications of that knowledge. University has necessary infrastructure (incubation centres) and mechanisms (technology industrial liaison entrepreneurship unit) to promote and entrepreneurship in the university campus.
c). In the subjects of social sciences and Humanities knowledge being converted into practical use or action manifests in the form of lending their expertise and knowledge in expert panels, commissions, as board members iof non-governmental organizations, member in regulatory bodies, injuiry commission, editorial board of peer-reviewed journals, keynote speakers, besides developing monographs, plays, sculptures, paintings, performances such as dance and music.
d). University recognises the role of researchers in the public affairs of the nation.
e) Faculty members and researchers will be allowed to be part of committees constituted at international /national/state levels on public interest issues. The admissible leave will be provided to faculty members to discharge such duties.
f). Despite these varied manifestations of use of knowledge from humanities and social science for public, there continues a conundrum of developing an entire spectrum of ways in which this knowledge can be put to effective use, besides being ripe with ethical and moral issues.
g). However, the University seeks to further reduce the prevailing gap between research work undertaken at the University and use of that knowledge in decision-making or as a ‘public good’, or in implementing solutions. The university is therefore committed to strengthen efficacy of various models that integrates research with public good.
h). A diverse set of indicators, including quantitative and qualitative measures may be applied to promote research at the University.

Admissions Now Open for Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Diploma and Doctoral (Ph.D.) Degree Programs for the session 2025-26 , For further information contact -  18008900478 | +91-7241115081 | 7241115082 | 7241115901